GeForce 6800 GT AGP vs. PCI-E review

Posted: March 23, 2011 in AGP8X, Hardware, NVIDIA, VGA

Review GeForce 6800 GT AGP vs. PCI-E @

Hey guys and gals… the GeForce 6800 GT is just a magnificent card, but we already knew that didn’t we? What the big question here is should be is the following: does PCI-Express make a difference and is it a worthwhile, stable and high performing upgrade right now? My answer would be, yet it does! PCI-Express is all about future products though, right now AGP8x is more than sufficient for the GeForce 6800. There would be only one huge practical advantage, which is HDTV, yet here in Europe we don’t have it just yet so it really does not make a difference. But performance wise the AGP8x is more then sufficient for the GT, on PCI Express it will perform almost exactly the same. Why ? Because the bottleneck here would be the actual graphics card and not your AGP 8x or PCI Express slot.

So why should you buy PCI-Express then? Simple, it’s the next feature that will become a new standard. Years ago when we moved from PCI towards AGP at first we hardly saw any differences whatsoever performance wise. The same thing we still hear every now and then about the AGP 4x versus 8x discussion. If right now you’d took an AGP 8x product and lowered it to AGP 1x, you’d see the difference in performance and along that line you need to think.

So my recommendation is like this, if you do not plan to upgrade your PC for another year or two then you can stick to AGP 8x products just as well. I mean you will not notice a performance in/decrease at all over the 16x PCI Express products, both are equal.

But… if you plan to upgrade your PC this year, then you should go PCI-Express all the way. Why? Although you will not see a difference, in the future you might buy a new graphics card that does need that exceptional bandwidth PCI Express offers. Next to that, this will be the new standard.

Now, then… since this article was not all about PCI-Express but about the GeForce 6800 GT also… let’s step away from PCI Express for now and sum that baby up. As I’ve stated on the AGP reference version of this product already, the GT is just downright pure fun. You can play any game to date at an extraordinary performance level for an amount of money that seems justified for this product. The 16 full pixel pipelines make sure you will see the biggest performance jump over the previous generation silicon in history and that ensures you some serious gameplay! The heart of the beast has been fitted with an 222 Million transistors silicon doing 350 MHz and yet the card manages to produce numbers that will force you to make noises like hubbabhubba come to poppaa.

The GeForce 6800 GT series justifies it’s name, it’s the affordable sportcar among the products in the high-end range. Everything about this card simply works, everything is what you expect it to be. This, my friends, simply is a fantastic product.

Review Zotac Ion ITX-A GeForce 9400

Um die HD-Fähigkeit des Chips zu testen, verwendeten wir den Media Player Classic in der Home Cinema Edition. Dieser beherrscht von Haus aus die HD-Wiedergabe über den Grafikchip mit Nvidia CUDA, womit weitere Codecs oder Programme für den Anfang nicht benötigt werden.
Im Test kam der HD-Film “BigBuckBunny” zum Einsatz, der absolut flüssig abgespielt werden konnte. Im besten Fall lag die CPU-Auslastung unter Windows XP gerade mal bei weniger als 10 %, üblich sind aber 20 bis 30 Prozent. Der Stromverbrauch lag dabei bei nur ca. 41 Watt.
Ansonsten läuft das Mainboard sehr stabil und die Leistung reicht für ein angenehmes Arbeiten unter Windows 7, solange man es bei Office, Surfen und der Wiedergabe von Medien belässt. Der Lüfter arbeitet dabei angenehm leise und ist nur aus dichter Entfernung deutlich wahrnehmbar. Beim Ansehen eines Films wird der Lüfter übertönt und ist dann nicht mehr zu hören.

Somit eignet sich das Zotac ION ITX sehr gut als Grundlage für einen Office- oder HTPC, der leise, klein und energieeffizent arbeiten soll. Zu gefallen weiß auch der Lieferumfang mit genügend SATA-Kabeln und einem externen Netzteil. Daher ist auch der Preis von aktuell ca. 145 Euro angemessen.

Review Zotac ION A-Series ITX Motherboard

The Zotac ION A-Series motherboard is a great bundle to be had. It performed well in all the tests and even proved itself to play full HD clips easily. This would therefore make it an ideal choice to be used in a HTPC.

Coupled with 2GB of RAM the Zotac Ion could become a perfect little runner which will easily handle most computing tasks

Review Zotac Ionitx-A nVidia Ion

Der Ion-Chipsatz zeigt der Intel-Konkurrenz, wo der Hammer hängt. Er bietet eine spürbar höhere 3D- und Video-Performance, mehr Features wie eSATA, moderne Anschlüsse wie HDMI und eine niedrigere Leistungsaufnahme. Nicht vergessen darf man die Unterstützung von CUDA, die selbst bei der GeForce 9400 ein Vorteil sein kann. Und sogar Windows 7 läuft auf dem Ion annehmbar.Zotac hat mit dem IONITX-A um den Chipsatz herum ein gutes Mainboard gebaut, das zu überzeugen weiß. Die Ausstattung stimmt, das BIOS passt (einzig die bei 3-Pin-Lüftern nicht funktionierende Lüftersteuerung stört) und das externe Netzteil ist eine sehr gute Idee. Dadurch ist die unverbindliche Preisempfehlung für das IONITX-A mit 169 Euro zwar etwas hoch, man darf aber nicht vergessen, dass man ansonsten nur noch eine Festplatte, einen optischen Datenträger sowie den Arbeitsspeicher benötigt.Ohne Frage, die Intel-Mainboards sind klar günstiger, allerdings auch deutlich schwächer in der Leistung, den Features und der Leistungsaufnahme. Deswegen ziehen wir das Zotac IONITX-A dem Intel-Lager ohne Zweifel vor, da der Gesamteindruck einfach runder ist. Wer sich einen günstigen Rechner zusammenschrauben möchte und auf eine hohe Leistung verzichten kann, erhält mit dem IONITX-A und dem Ion-Chipsatz von Nvidia ein gelungenes Produkt.

Review Gigabyte GeForce GT 240

The performance of this card was reasonable given its price and specifications. Full HDMI 1.3a support is a plus, but better gaming performance is available for very little more money.The card’s oversize fan and baroque plastic shrouding give it a muscular appearance.The construction quality seems to be excellent. The substantial heat sink is attached with spring-loaded screws rather than push-pins, and the oversized fan is both quiet and effective, resulting in very low load temperatures.The card provides basic GPU functions, and provides all the connectors one could expect. The ability to use HDMI audio without a separate connection cable is very convenient.

As of January 2010, you can buy the GIGABYTE GV-N240D5-512I video card for $99.95 at Newegg. This is $10-$35 less than a GTS 250, and $20-$30 more than a GT 220. The value is not so great if you consider the card only as an HTPC card or only as a gaming card, but it’s reasonable when considered as both or as a dedicated PhysX or GPGPU card.

Review USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gbps Tested On Gigabyte P55A-UD6

Review Gigabyte GA-P55 UD3R Overclockersclub

In conclusion we can say for this Barracuda XT there is not really a necessity to include a third generation SAT controller, since there is hardly any difference noticeable.
SATA 6Gbps however shall become more interesting in the future. With solid state drives that can reach far higher transfer rates it is likely they’ll surpass 300MB/s, the maximum of the current second generation SATA interface.So for people looking for a future proof system based on new SSDs SATA 6Gbps might become very interesting. But for those who want to stay with mechanical hard drives there is not really a reason to get a SATA 6Gbps controller for now, since the speeds of the current hard drives are by far not close to the maximum of the SATA 3Gbps controllers on current systems.In conclusion for the USB 3.0 tests, we can say USB 3.0 is a great improvement compared to USB 2.0 when high transfer speeds are necessary. For using other USB devices like mice, keyboards, printers and other devices that don’t rely on fast transfer of data, USB 2.0 will still be more than sufficient.
There is no doubt that the GA-P55-UD3R is a capable performer. It delivers this level of performance without the 24-phase VRM used on its big brother. By the same token, the lack of phases can impact the efficiency of the energy saving features and may impact long term stability with fewer phases to spread the load across. But, at least there is the three year warranty backing you up! Feature-wise, the board does have fewer than some of the boards higher up on the food chain. You don’t get the onboard switches, the Combo eSATA/USB ports on the I/O panel, or some of the other niceties with Multi GPU – availability is limited to CrossfireX on this board, but with the second slot running at 4x you won’t be setting Multi GPU records. However, with a single GPU, you stand a shot at making it happen. The apple does not fall far from the tree when it comes to the construction methods used to build this board. This board is one of eleven P55 boards by Gigabyte and does indeed feature Ultra Durable 3 construction with 2-oz copper ground and power layers, Japanese Solid Capacitors, Ferrite core chokes and Lower RDS(on) mosfets, so it has the hardware credentials to push the performance limits of your hardware. What you get with the GA-P55-UD3R is a board that comes in at an attractive price point ($139) that drops the performance hammer when you push the clock speeds. Even though it has a lesser feature set, the features it comes with will work for the majority of people. The GA-P55-UD3R delivers great overclocking and a great price.Pros:
•Comparable stock performance
•Ultra Durable 3
•3 year warranty
•Only Crossfire Support

Review Gigabyte HD4890 OC

The Gigabyte 4890 OC is a joy to run and it runs cooler than stock cooled 4890’s, it also has a 2oz Copper PCB which provides even cooler operation, it looks like an enthusiast GPU without having to modify the card yourself, the factory overclock keeps the warranty intact, and it easily handles all modern games so it scores a: 8.5 out of 10 and the Seal Of Approval.

Review Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R Xbitlabs

We often come across excellent looking mainboards that suddenly demonstrate their by far not the most attractive sides during the practical tests. This is when the review that starts greatly, ends on a sad note. I am extremely pleased that nothing like that happened this time and our initial great impression from Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R mainboard remained the same.Gigabyte engineers did a great job with the design of this solution, provided it with a list of features that are up to all contemporary standards and may satisfy even the most pretentions users. Some of you may be upset to see no additional brackets for external Serial ATA devices or bridges for multi-card graphics configurations, but most will hardly even notice that. Just like the entire LGA1366 Gigabyte mainboard lineup, our today’s hero has BIOS with excellent functionality that doesn’t yield to any of the top solutions. Moreover, nothing prevented us from taking advantage of all these functions: the board worked perfectly fine in nominal mode and allowed us to easily overclock CPU and memory. As for the performance and power consumption, the board again proved up to the mark, having proven just as efficient as any other similar mainboards. However, Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R has a serious advantage over many competitors: since it is the junior model in the lineup, its price is relatively low.Unfortunately, the failure to cold start at high QPI/VTT Voltage settings becomes a sharp dissonance to this idyllic picture. Although this is an obvious drawback, it is still pretty relative. Users don’t often buy elite memory modules for use in junior mainboard models, and if you don’t hunt for high memory frequencies, then you won’t even experience this issue at all. So, for you Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R is very likely to become that ideal mainboard with a bunch of advantages and no drawbacks. The board that you have been looking for all this time.

Review Gigabyte GA-MA785GPM-UD2H

AMD’s chipset lineup has no intention of stopping. In fact, it’s proven they are willing to keep things going. AMD’s 7 series chipsets have been extremely impressive and the 785G chipset is nothing short of this either.
While we have only tested the first board we’ve been given so far, along with this one being Micro ATX, we don’t know the full potential yet. And due to the limited time of testing we didn’t get a lot of time to check out the overclocking or onboard graphics. However, we are coming back to a second article later next month with testing of the 785G’s IGP vs. the 790GX’s, so stay tuned for that one.
On the GIGABYTE implementation of this board, everything is just how we would expect. However, the accessories could perhaps be a bit more in depth to better round off the package.

Review Gigabyte GA-MA785GMT-UD2H

At £68, it’s not a lot to ask for a motherboard, especially when usual reports in the news these days are for boards costing upwards of £150. Compared to other, older 780G boards it’s naturally a bit more expensive, which is also true of Gigabyte’s 780G boards as well.

Review Gigabyte GTX 285 2GB OC

The first thing we have to say is that it was so good of GIGABYTE to increase the core clock to compensate for the drop in memory clock. We have to admit that the OC naming is a bit of a stretch, but at the end of the day it is overclocked and it should be advertised like that, so we really can’t have a go at GIGABYTE about that.Performance is good; we’re not sure how much the extra memory helps, which isn’t anything new. The biggest appeal about having a 2GB graphics card isn’t the performance, but the fact that you can tell people you have one. Sure, it’s superficial, but that’s the world we live in.
As far as the bundle goes, it’s very GIGABYTE. While there isn’t anything that really stands out, there is everything we need. So again, it’s not something we can really complain about. All in all we’ve got a pretty mean card on our hands that packs some good performance and when it comes to a graphics card, there isn’t a whole lot more you can ask for.
If you’re looking for a GTX 285 that packs some extra memory while offering slightly better performance the GIGABYTE 2GB GTX 285 OC model we have here today is pretty impressive. At 399.99 U.S. Dollars over at Newegg, you’re paying more than the 1GB model by about $80. While not worth it to some, others are going to be more than happy to spend the extra dollars to get a 2GB GTX 285 that packs some extra performance.

Review Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3

Overall, the MA770-UD3 provides great Bang for the Buck in our opinion and as long as buyers are aware of its few quirks, it is easy to recommend to just about anyone planning to build a new AM2+/AM3 system…just make sure that you buy the rev 2.0 if you can.

That concludes our sneak peak at the Gigabyte GA-P55-UD5 Motherboard for the upcoming LGA1156 socket platform using the Intel P55 Express chipset for Lynfield CPUs!

Review Gigabyte 9800GT Silent Cell

The Gigabyte 9800 GT Silent Cell is a great performing card. In most of the newer games, like Far Cry 2, the 9800 GT was able to easily beat a overclocked 512 MB 9800 GT. This means that with a modest overclock you will easily surpass the 512 MB version of the 9800 GT, and be able to max out pretty much every game currently. Not only was the card a great performer, it also ran extremely cool. I was definitely surprised to see the card run at only 68° C. This is nothing for a modern GPU, and absolutely astounding for a card of this caliber on a passive heat sink.Which brings us to the big seller of this card, the passive heat sink. I know there are a lot of people out there who can not stand to hear anything from their computers at any time. Before they would have to setting for much lower performing card. The lower end card that you would have previously been forced to buy most likely would not be that great at playing games. Fortunately Gigabyte engineers have designed a great passive heat sink for this card, and thus allowed you to enjoy your peace and quiet, at least until you crank up the volume on Crysis.You don’t really even have to be a gamer to enjoy this card. If you are looking at building a HTPC that will last a few years into the future, look no further. All newer Nvidia cards, like this one, are programmed to take away much of the CPU load when playing video. With this card you will enjoy a nice smooth video, even at 1080P resolution. Since the heat sink is passive you will also not have to hide your HTPC so it can’t be heard. Finally with the great performance of the passive heat sink, you will not have to worry about your graphics card overheating even in a poorly designed HTPC case.

Review Gigabyte GK-K6800 Keyboard

In the end, only you can decide if this is the right keyboard for you. It does have a lot going for it and it is stylish as heck. If you are not interested in setting up your own macro keys and won’t even miss them or if you are not interested in your keyboard lasting longer than your computer then this keyboard may just be the perfect fit for you. It even does quite well with multimedia functions. For everyone else, hopefully a future model will eliminate some or all of these issues and annoyances.

Review XFX XPS-650W PSU

It is becoming increasingly difficult to rate high end power supplies by performance alone probably due to the fact that what you find under the hood is produced by the same small group of printed circuit board manufacturers. The power supply market is very competitive and if performance levels are all very similar then price and/or a unique appearance may very well be the deciding factor when it comes to choosing a power supply for the next build or upgrade.

XFX power supplies certainly have a unique appearance with their industrial themed looks and lime green cooling fan and modular cable connectors, but how do they perform? The XFX XXX Edition 650W performed very well and gave good quality, well regulated DC across all the rails up to full load. What did let the power supply down was its failure to meet the required levels of efficiency for its claimed 80 Plus Bronze certification following the OCC power supply testing methodology and the fact that isn’t listed on the 80 Plus Org website at the time of writing this review.

The XFX XXX Edition 650W power supply is certainly worthy of consideration for use in any high gaming system and will easily handle any single high-end graphics card gaming rig with plenty of room to overclock. There are a total of four PCI-E connectors available on this power supply so crossfire or SLI is definitely an option but keep an eye on power requirements especially with the more power hungry Nvidia offerings. The XFX XXX Edition 650W power supply performed very well and was only let down by its failure to meet the requirements of its claimed 80 Plus Bronze certification following the OCC power supply testing methodology. The efficiency levels are still pretty good and I have no hesitation in awarding the XFX XXX Edition 650W power supply a OCC Silver award.

Review Asus Xonar D1 PCI 7.1 Sound Card

Anyone that tells you one sound card is as good as another doesn’t know what they are talking about. A sound card how ever is the ideal gimmick item if you were going to make a shoddy product and try to get big bucks for it because a large majority of users wouldn’t notice a difference at first listen. It isn’t until you use a product day in day out for at least a week that you get a feel for it then when you are shown a better or worse product you can pick out the differences. The Asus Xonar D1 PCI 7.1 Sound Card is no gimmick I am very impressed with the amount of effort the people at Asus put into this product and it shows through with the quality software and sound quality it achieves.

I think it is safe to say I don’t have to ask the question I normally do of whether I recommend this product or not. The review speaks for itself if you are in the market for a sound card….scratch that if you don’t have anything over integrated audio you ARE or at least should be in the market for a high end sound card and my personal suggestion would be one of the Xonar series cards from Asus.

Review MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC


De GTX560 Ti is in het kort simpelweg de opvolger van de GTX460. Laatstgenoemde is echter nog niet uitgefaseerd en gaat nog steeds de strijd aan met de HD6850 van AMD. In het begin plaatste NVIDIA haar GTX560 tegenover de HD6870 van AMD. Toentertijd hadden beide kaarten een adviesprijs van 239 euro. Uit de eerste reviews bleek al snel dat de GTX560 ruimschoots sneller was.

AMD reageerde hier dan ook snel op door de prijs van haar HD6870 te verlagen. Ondertussen is de prijs van een HD6870 nog meer gedaald waardoor hij op het moment rond de 170 euro circuleert, terwijl de gemiddelde GTX560 nog een stuk boven de 200 euro kost.

AMD’s antwoord bleek meer in de HD6950 te zitten, die zowel in een 1GB- als 2GB-uitvoering te verkrijgen is. De HD6950 kost op moment van schrijven ongeveer net zoveel als een GTX560.

nVidia heeft ook op het high-end segment een goede positie dankzij de GTX580, maar het segment waar het zowel AMD als nVidia toch om gaat is het mid-end-segment, aangezien hier de meeste kaarten worden verkocht. Met de introductie van de GTX560 Ti wil nVidia een nieuwe boost krijgen in dit segment.

Van MSI ontvingen wij een recensie-exemplaar. De volledige naam van deze videokaart is ‘N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC’. De videokaart wordt voorzien van een gigabyte aan GDDR5-geheugen en de kloksnelheid van deze kaart is standaard 880 MHz, wat toch een slordige 60 MHz. sneller is dan het referentiemodel van nVidia. nVidia laat de GTX560 Ti standaard op een kloksnelheid van 822 MHz. draaien.


nVidia koos medio 2008 om niet langer achtervoegsels te gebruiken voor haar videokaarten, maar komt hier nu met de GTX560 toch weer op terug, door het ‘Ti’-achtervoegsel opnieuw te introduceren. Deze toevoeging werd voor het laatst in 2002 toegepast bij de GeForce Ti 4000-serie.

nVidia maakt dus pas op de plaats en wil toch opnieuw achtervoegsels gaan toepassen in de productnaam. Dit komt doordat er regelmatig videokaarten uit worden gebracht met verschillende groottes aan werkgeheugen, waardoor ook de prestaties beïnvloed worden. Nu wordt er van de GTX560 voorlopig maar één variant uitgebracht, maar het zou kunnen zijn dat er in de toekomst nog een GTX560 maar dan met minder geheugen op de markt verschijnt, welke dan ook geen Ti-achtervoegsel zal krijgen.

Verpakking en uiterlijk


MSI levert de N560GTX Ti in een blauw-paarse verpakking waarop op de voorkant duidelijk de Twin Frozr II-koeling te zien is. MSI is zo vrij geweest om op de doos mee te delen dat deze koeling voor een temperatuurverschil van 20 graden Celsius zorgt. Dit verschil is ten opzichte van nVidia’s referentiemodel, welke dus 20 graden Celsius warmer wordt onder volle belasting. Een verschil dat niet vergeten mag worden, want naast de mogelijkheid om de kloksnelheid verder omhoog te schroeven met MSI’s videokaart, zal de N560GTX Ti naar alle waarschijnlijkheid ook een langer leven zijn toebedeeld. Het is voor hardware immers prettig om op lagere temperaturen te opereren, slijtage zal dan minder snel voorkomen.

In de verpakking vinden we natuurlijk de N560GTX Ti, maar ook twee dubbele molex naar PCI Express 6-pins-adapters, alsook een DVI naar VGA- en mini-HDMI naar HDMI-adaptertje, een CDtje en een stel handleidingen.


Zoals de volledige naamgeving van de videokaart al duidelijk maakt, hebben we te maken met een videokaart met MSI’s geroemde Twin Frozr II-koellichaam erop. De koeler is voorzien van twee 80mm-ventilatoren die lucht over het werkelijke koellichaam blazen. Het koellichaam staat door middel van vier dikke heatpipes in verbinding met de GPU op de videokaart. De printplaat is overigens zwart, wat het geheel een stijlvol uiterlijk geeft.

Aan de achterkant van de videokaart vinden we drie connectoren, namelijk twee DVI-poorten en een mini-HDMI-poort. Hoewel DisplayPort door de aanwezige hardware in principe wel ondersteund wordt, is deze interface niet aanwezig op deze uitvoering. Aan de tegenovergestelde kant zijn twee zespins PCI Express-poorten geplaatst, waarmee de videokaart van voldoende stroom voorzien kan worden.

MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC
GPU-klokfrequentie 880 MHz.
Shader-klokfrequentie 1760 MHz.
Geheugen-klokfrequentie 2100 MHz. GDDR5 (4200 MHz. effectief)
Geheugenbus 256-bits
Geheugengrootte 1024 MB
Productieproces 40nm
Texture Units 64
Voeding 2x PEG 6pin
Interne aansluiting PCI-e x16 2.0
Externe aansluitingen 2x DVI-I, 1x Mini-HDMI
Lengte 23,8 centimeter


Om een goed beeld te krijgen van de videokaarten die we testen, onderwerpen we deze producten steeds aan dezelfde tests. Daarnaast zorgen we ook dat de gebruikte hardware zoveel mogelijk overeen komt met voorgaande tests.

Processor Intel Core i7 870 @ 2.93GHz
CPU koeler ThermalRight MUX-120 Dual-Fan
Videokaart MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC
Geheugen G.Skill PI Series DDR3-2200MHz CL7 4GB
Harde schijf Western Digital 500GB RE3 7200RPM
Voeding BeQuiet 650 Watt
Moederbord Asus P7P55D-E Premium
OS Windows 7 x64

Voor de tests gebruiken we een aantal fixed benchmarks uit spellen en enginetests. De scores die uit de tests komen kunnen met elkaar vergeleken worden om zo een duidelijk beeld te krijgen van de mogelijkheden per videokaart.

Benchmark DirectX versie
Colin McRae DiRT 2 11
Crysis Warhead 10
Far Cry 2 10
Resident Evil 5 10
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat 11
3D Mark Vantage 10
Unigine Heaven 1.0 11

Overklokken van de N560GTX Ti

Om de echte kracht van de MSI N560GTX Ti te leren kennen gaan we de videokaart natuurlijk ook overklokken. We doen dit normaal gezien altijd op eenzelfde manier, namelijk door middel van MSI’s eigen Afterburner-software, ontwikkeld om videokaarten over te klokken, maar niet specifiek kaarten van MSI.Wanneer we aan de slag gaan met de MSI N560GTX Ti springt er gelijk één ding in het oog, of eigenlijk in het oor. We hebben de gewoonte om de snelheid van de koeler direct op het maximaal haalbare te zetten. Dagen waarop we aan de slag gaan met videokaarten zijn zodoende voor andere medewerkers normaliter niet de meest rustige dagen op kantoor. Maar toen we de koeler op N560GTX Ti op de maximale snelheid gezet hadden, viel de portie herrie voor vandaag alleszins mee. MSI heeft er blijkbaar alles aan gedaan om deze videokaart op een acceptabel niveau te laten opereren en zodoende blijft de geluidsproductie zeer beperkt. De kaart is zeker niet fluisterstil, maar overduidelijk niet zo luidruchtig als de meeste andere videokaarten. Zoals gewoonlijk plaatsen we nog twee 120mm-ventilatoren tegen de videokaart aan voor extra koeling.

Om de stabiliteit te testen maken we voornamelijk gebruik van MSI’s Kombustor, dat de videokaart voor 100% belast. Daarnaast gebruiken we ook Unigine Heaven als ultieme test voordat we alle benchmarks draaien. Als de videokaart die twee tests onder bepaalde instellingen aan kan, moet hij in principe alle tests aan kunnen.

Eenmaal werkelijk aan de slag met de videokaart merken we dat de 880 MHz waarop MSI de kaart standaard instelt nog zeker niet het maximum is. De grens van 1 GHz wordt redelijk eenvoudig behaald, zonder het voltage van standaard 0,987 V verder op te schroeven. Daarna merken we dat het moeilijker wordt en zodoende wordt het voltage verhoogd naar 1,150 V, wat het maximum is dat de standaard-versie van Afterburner toelaat.

Met deze instelling weten we nog net wat extra sap uit de N450GTX Ti te persen en komen we met de grafische chip tot een maximum van 1016 MHz. Vervolgens wordt ook de snelheid van het geheugen nog onder handen genomen. Om hiermee aan de slag te gaan draaien we de kloksnelheid van de GPU weer wat terug, naar 1005 MHz. Als we dit niet doen gaat het overklokken al direct bij de eerste verhoging fout, dan vragen we gewoon te veel van de kaart. Het is de bedoeling om een maximum van de GPU en het geheugen samen te vinden, om zo de beste scores te realiseren.

Standaard draait het geheugen op een snelheid van 2100 MHz en we verhogen dit in eerste instantie in grote stappen, tot we artifacts waarnemen tijdens de benchmarks. Het maximum is dan overschreden en van daaruit gaan we dus in kleine stapjes terugklokken naar een instelling waarmee de videokaart niet langer fouten maakt. De standaardsnelheid van 2100 MHz wordt uiteindelijk gemaximaliseerd naar 2450 MHz.

De resultaten van de overklok zie je op de volgende twee pagina’s, tezamen met de standaard-resultaten van de N560GTX Ti.

Prestaties 1

Zoals te zien is in de grafieken op deze pagina scoort de MSI N560GTX Ti buitengewoon goed in de tests, vooral gezien zijn prijs. In deze tests is de kaart in de top 3 terug te vinden en dat is zeer respectabel te noemen.

De N560GTX Ti gaat in deze tests de strijd aan met de GTX480, een high-end kaart uit de vorige serie van nVidia. Deze kaart is nog altijd ongeveer een kwart duurder dan de N560GTX Ti.

Prestaties 2

In de tests op deze pagina neemt de GTX480 toch wat meer afstand van de GTX560 Ti, maar de laatstgenoemde weet gezien de prijs toch zeker te overtuigen. De directe concurrent, de AMD HD6950 is over het algemeen duidelijk trager dan nVidia’s inzending.

AMD Radeon HD6950 2GB


De AMD HD6800-serie bracht qua prijs mooie kaarten, maar deze videokaarten konden qua prestaties niet opboksen tegen de prestaties die nVidia leverde met haar high-end kaarten zoals de GTX580. De HD6950 is niet de ultieme kaart uit de HD6000-serie van AMD, dat is de HD6990.Maar we gaan nu aan de slag met de HD6950, welke gebaseerd is op de Cayman-chip. Qua eigenschappen verschillen de HD6800- en HD6900-kaarten weinig van elkaar, de generatie is dezelfde en zo zijn ook de eigenschappen hetzelfde. Zo ondersteunt de HD6850 DiplayPort 1.2 en de HDMI 1.4a-standaard. Dankzij AMD’s HD3D worden ook 3D-schermen ondersteund door deze videokaart, zodat ook eventuele output in 3D-beelden mogelijk is met deze videokaart.

Desalniettemin biedt de Cayman wel meer dan de Barts-chips uit de HD6800-serie van AMD. De architectuur van de GPU is flink aangepast en er is naast de hogere prestaties één belangrijke functie die de HD6800-serie moest ontberen, namelijk AMD PowerTune. Met deze techniek wordt het stroomverbruik flink verminderd als de kaart niet actief gebruikt wordt. Wanneer het nodig is worden de kloksnelheden en de stroomtoevoer echter flink opgeschroefd, zodat de kaart maximale prestaties kan leveren.

De HD6950 die wij ontvingen is van AMD en wordt niet in de winkels uitgebracht. Daarom kunnen we niet direct een prijs aan deze videokaart binden, maar vergelijkbare videokaarten van andere fabrikanten kosten ongeveer 230 euro.

Verpakking en uiterlijk


Qua verpakking van de AMD HD6950 zijn we gauw klaar, deze videokaart wordt namelijk niet als retail-kaart geleverd en zodoende is er ook geen echte verpakking voor de kaart. We ontvingen deze in een doos van DHL met een hoop verpakkingsmateriaal erin. De fabrikanten die de videokaart uiteindelijk uitleveren, zoals MSI en Asus, kiezen zelf wat er precies met de videokaart geleverd wordt. Wil je graag weten welke accessoires bepaalde fabrikanten meeleveren met de HD6950, dan moet je dit even op de website van de desbetreffende fabrikant opzoeken.


Ook qua uiterlijk zal deze AMD HD6950 verschillen van de videokaarten van andere fabrikanten, maar niet bijster veel. Als het tenminste om videokaarten gaat die hetzelfde koellichaam gebruiken als de referentiekaart van AMD. Dit koellichaam verschilt bijzonder weinig van dat van de MSI HD6870 die we eerder beoordeelden. Het koellichaam staat er overigens om bekend dat het zeer luidruchtig kán zijn.

De videokaart is echter wel een stukje langer dan de HD6870, welke 24,5 centimeter in lengte telde. De HD6950 is met zijn 27,5 centimeter toch wel een aardig stukje langer. De videokaarten lijken behalve de lengte en de sticker bovenop het koellichaam echter identiek. AMD maakt al geruime tijd gebruik van de zogenaamde Vapor-chamber-koeling en dit is voor de HD6950 niet anders. Koele lucht wordt aangezogen via een grote ventilator die deze lucht door het lichaam pompt. De inmiddels warme lucht verlaat de videokaart via een PCI-Express-slot aan de achterkant van de videokaart.

Naast deze uitlaat voor warme lucht vinden we op de achterkant van de videokaart twee DisplayPort-, één HDMI- en twee DVI-poorten. Bovenop de videokaart vinden we een klein schakelaartje waarmee tussen twee BIOS-varianten kan worden geschakeld. Handig voor wanneer één van de twee BIOS-instellingen niet goed werkt. Voor overklokkers komt deze switch vooral van pas. Men kan zo bijvoorbeeld één BIOS gebruiken om de videokaart tot het uiterste te drijven, terwijl in de andere variant de standaard-instellingen behouden blijven.

Op de bovenkant vinden we verder twee CrossFire-connectoren en tevens twee PCIe 6-pins poorten welke voor de stroomtoevoer gebruikt dienen te worden.

AMD HD6950
GPU-klokfrequentie 800 MHz.
Shader-klokfrequentie 1600 MHz.
Geheugen-klokfrequentie 1250 MHz. GDDR5 (5000 MHz. effectief)
Geheugenbus 256-bits
Geheugengrootte 2048 MB
Productieproces 40nm
Texture Units 88
Voeding 2x PEG 6pin
Interne aansluiting PCI-e x16 2.1
Externe aansluitingen 2x DVI, 1x HDMI, 2x DisplayPort
Lengte 27,5 centimeter
Om een goed beeld te krijgen van de videokaarten die we testen, onderwerpen we deze producten steeds aan dezelfde tests. Daarnaast zorgen we ook dat de gebruikte hardware zoveel mogelijk overeen komt met voorgaande tests.

Processor Intel Core i7 870 @ 2.93GHz
CPU koeler ThermalRight MUX-120 Dual-Fan
Videokaart AMD HD6950
Geheugen G.Skill PI Series DDR3-2200MHz CL7 4GB
Harde schijf Western Digital 500GB RE3 7200RPM
Voeding BeQuiet 650 Watt
Moederbord Asus P7P55D-E Premium
OS Windows 7 x64

Voor de tests gebruiken we een aantal fixed benchmarks uit spellen en enginetests. De scores die uit de tests komen kunnen met elkaar vergeleken worden om zo een duidelijk beeld te krijgen van de mogelijkheden per videokaart.

Benchmark DirectX versie
Colin McRae DiRT 2 11
Crysis Warhead 10
Far Cry 2 10
Resident Evil 5 10
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat 11
3D Mark Vantage 10
Unigine Heaven 1.0 11


Zoals altijd gebruiken we MSI’s Afterburner om een videokaart op overklok-prestaties te testen. Toen we MSI’s software openden kwamen we echter al vrij gauw tot een schokkende conclusie, we kunnen de videokaart slechts 40 MHz overklokken, wat betreft de core. Het geheugen laat zich ook maar 75 MHz overklokken.

Na wat zoeken vinden we geen alternatieven om de kaart alsnog verder op de staart te trappen, dus wat betreft overklokken wordt deze review niet bepaald spannend.

Voor de grap stelden we maar eens even de maximale mogelijkheden in en erg verrassend was het niet, maar de kaart kon dit prima aan, de temperatuur bleef ook steken op een bescheiden 50 graden celsius. We kunnen de Core dus overklokken van 800 MHz naar 840 MHz, het geheugen van 1250 naar 1325 MHz en daarmee is de overklok in dit geval al gemaakt.

Dat de HD6950 tot veel meer in staat blijkt is echter wel duidelijk. Dat kunnen we niet alleen aan de relatief lage temperatuur afleiden, maar ook het feit dat tech-sites bomvol staan met handleidingen om de HD6950 te flashen naar een HD6970. De yields van de 6900-serie lijken prima in orde te zijn, want er worden zeer veel positieve resultaten van de flashmethode gemeld.

Onze kaart is al vanuit AMD (of een andere reviewer) voorzien van de HD6970-flash en zodoende publiceren we ook de scores van beide kaarten op de volgende pagina’s. Natuurlijk is het onzeker of deze flash ook bij nieuwe revisies van de HD6950 zal werken, of dat AMD voortaan hardwarematig de uitgeschakelde onderdelen zal vergrendelen. Het lijkt er in ieder geval op dat de kaarten zo goed als identiek zijn, op de vergrendeling van de SIMD-engines na.

Prestaties 1

Zoals gezegd hadden we de beschikking over een HD6950 die is voorzien van de HD6950-HD6970-flash. Zodoende kunnen we ook de scores van beide configuraties posten. Houd wel in de gaten dat de scores van een werkelijke HD6970 mogelijk kunnen afwijken. De vergelijking is puur om te laten zien wat het verschil is wanneer de flash-actie is gedaan.
Uit de eerste twee grafieken komt weinig verrassends, de HD6970-flash zorgt duidelijk voor een flinke prestatiewinst. Er is bij één game overigens wel iets aparts aan de hand en dat is Resident Evil 5. Daar scoort de standaard HD6950 namelijk wat beter dan de geflashte variant. Hoe dit komt is ons een raadsel.
In de overige tests op deze pagina blijkt duidelijk dat de HD6950 prima zijn mannetje kan staan in de desbestreffende games. De videokaart is een goede middenmotor en weet soms zelfs high-end kaarten achter zich te houden, zoals blijkt uit de benchmark in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Prestaties 2

Uit de tests op deze pagina blijkt echter dat de HD6950 toch over het algemeen zijn meerdere moet erkennen in veel van die high-end kaarten. Dat de flash naar de HD6970 echter een waardevolle (voor AMD natuurlijk ongewilde) eigenschap is, staat buiten kijf.

Review Sapphire HD 5450 512 MB GDDR3

First of all, let it be clear that this is not a gaming card. While it may be sufficient for older titles at modest resolution, it simply can not handle current games. What this card excels in however is regular desktop use and media playback at extremely low power usage numbers. Thanks to Sapphire’s passive cooling solution it does so without any noise, which is key when watching movies on your big TV screen. The card also comes in a low-profile, single slot compact form factor which should fit almost any media PC case on the market.
I noticed a lack of unique selling points on this card compared to previous generation products. AMD did not increase on the last generation 3D performance, and full HD media playback acceleration has been available in discrete graphics cards for the last years. If you are looking to feed your HD movies’ audio into your 7.1 audio receiver then this card offers something new. It brings support for HDMI 1.3 which includes 7.1 audio and several Dolby/DTS audio formats, a feature that was not present on previous cards. This also makes the card a great candidate as affordable HDMI sound card, such cards usually cost around $100. If you are looking for a cheap way to add HD capability to your HTPC rig then a HD 3450 or HD 4350 might be a better choice because of the big price difference. On the other hand a $20 premium isn’t that much and will help with the resale value of the card.

Review Sapphire ATI Radeon 5450 HD 512MB

The ATI 5450 HD is the newest card released from Sapphire and was put through the tests from hell! Now like we said before this isnft a gaming card and shouldnft be bought for one. You will be very disappointed. We will say how ever when we did test the card playing back full screen 1080p footage this card didnft even flinch at it! The 1080p play back was smooth as glass! and looked amazing on the 25 1080p monitor we tested it on. This card really shined and for the price of $60 bucks you will for sure be adding this card to your HTPC for the small form factor, low energy usage and pure silent passive cooling system. So if your looking for a low cost HTPC video card to power your current or next build then be sure to check out the Sapphire ATI 5450 HD 512mb video card.

Review Sapphire HD 5870 Vapor-X

Auch wenn die Grafikkarte weiterhin in unserem Preisvergleich kaum als lieferbar deklariert wird, schlägt sich die Sapphire Vapor-X HD5870 wacker und deklassiert die Modelle im Referenzdesign in Sachen Kühlung, Lautstärke sowie der Performance.
Weiterhin kann Sapphire mit einem gehobenen Lieferumfang aufwarten. Die Beilage des Spiels Dirt2 ist für den Interessierten ein gutes Kaufargument. Der Preis liegt bei rund 355,00 Euro, also nur ca. 30,00 Euro mehr als ein Referenzdesign mit ähnlicher Ausstattung. Eine Kaufempfehlung der Redaktion kann unserer Meinung nach bedenkenlos vergeben werden, sofern man denn eine Karte zu diesem Preis auch ergattern kann.

Review Sapphire Radeon HD 5970 OC

There really is not a whole lot to say other than there is a new king in town. The Sapphire HD 5970 OC delivers performance far superior to what is currently available in every test run. This is the fastest video card out right here, right now. Overclocking the 5970 was a bit challenging but gains can be increased by using any of the voltage tweaking utilities out there. The Redline utility that can be downloaded from Sapphire’s site did not recognize my card as a supported device so I was not able to use it for my overclocking endeavors. I will follow up with this utility when I get the issue resolved. Overall, I was able to run the card higher than the clock speeds on the HD 5870 for a nice increase in performance, but to do so brought out the fan noise that ATI reference cards always bring to the table when you bump up the fan for additional cooling. I was able to reach clock speeds of 890MHz on the core and 1260MHz on the memory, with power consumption peaking at 486 watts on the system under load with temperatures that reached 69 degrees Celsius. The vapor chamber cooling does its job keeping this behemoth cool! Not too bad on the clocks and temperatures, but as an enthusiast you always want more performance with less power. Even at the speeds the 5970 OC runs you will be hard pressed to find a game you cannot play with the eye candy turned way up!

If you can’t get more clock speed you have additional capabilities that can be used with the HD 5970 OC. ATI’s Eyefinity technology allows the use of up to three displays at one time with this card to increase the level of immersion in your games. Something I have yet to test but am looking forward to it. Sapphire has given the end user a pretty substantial bundle that includes two DX 11 titles so that you can take full advantage of the capabilities of the HD 5970 OC. As you can expect with the high price and limited availability of the 5XXX series, the cost of this card is going to hit the wallet a little hard at $624, or roughly the cost of two HD 5850s. Since these card use cherry picked ASICS, supply may be limited but according to rumours, TSMC has gotten the supply problems fixed so ATI and its partners should be poised for a good holiday season if supply can meet the demand. Not everyone will want or need a card of this caliber but you can rest assured that there will be enough for you to jump on the bandwagon to have the best of the best video card on the block, the Sapphire HD 5970 OC!

Review Sapphire HD 5750 1 GB GDDR5

Sapphire’s Radeon HD 5750 is a worthy addition to the new HD 5000 Series lineup. Even though it might not win any beauty contest against AMD’s reference design HD 5770, which comes with a very stylish modern looking cooler, it can score high on all other criteria. Performance is decent, sitting right between the HD 4850 and HD 4870. Due to its more power efficient design it can take leading spots in idle power consumption and performance per Watt. If you spend most of your day at the desktop idle, working office apps or surfing the Web, the ~20W saved might be able to make quite a difference over time. It should also be noted that even though the cooler looks neither sexy nor powerful it offers excellent cooling performance, which allows Sapphire to run at very quiet fan speeds, offering a very enjoyable work and gaming experience with their new HD 5750.
Our sample showed some impressive overclocking capabilities. Both core and and memory could be overclocked by well over 20%. If you are willing to go this route, you could easily save some money and get performance similar to the HD 5770 or HD 4870.
When looking at pure performance per buck you will be disappointed however. AMD’s HD 4850 can be had at substantially lower price levels (-30%) than the HD 5750 and offers similar performance (-8%). I have to admit that the new features like DirectX 11, EyeFinity, native HDMI & DisplayPort warrant a price increase, but these features are not important for everyone. So the bottom line is: if you want the best bang for the buck right now, go with the HD 4850. If you want a longer term investment in future technologies, check out the HD 5750.

Review Sapphire Radeon HD5870 Vapor-X

The Sapphire HD5870 is a excellent card, the pinnacle of gaming performance for enthusiasts available today. The Vapor-X cooler does a great job of not only being more effective that the already impressive reference design, but more compact and quieter as well. The factory overclock while modest helps bump up performance to even higher levels at lower temperatures. Being shorter than the reference HD5870 is another plus point – anything to help these newest generation monsters fit in your case is a good thing.

The inclusion of not one but two major games is a great added value, especially the hotly anticipated DirectX 11 title DIRT 2. The included peripherals are pretty standard, but nice to have – although I can’t really imagine anyone using the card with a PSU without at least one 2x3pin PCIe power connector, they might be very useful for when adding a second card.

Review Sapphire PURE 1250W

Wow, that is all I can say at the moment! This power supply will meat any computer enthusiasts needs whether they are overclocking, they are using high end SLI/CrossFire video card setups or if they need a high end server based system that draws a lot of power. The Modular cable setup is a very good feature on this Power supply and we are seeing a lot of companies making this move on their latest power supplies. The chrome fan included with the Sapphire PURE 1250 Watt Modular Power Supply is a nice fan that has 18 white LEDs to light up the interior of your PC, however the fan can be heard if it is used in cases like the Silverstone TJ10B. The reason for this is because it intakes the cool air from the bottom of the case which is an open area. If the power supply would be located on the top of the case, it would probably not be heard because it is in a closed environment.

-Excellent Voltages during tests, never too low or too high.
-High Quality Japanese capacitors, and 80Plus Bronze Efficiency!
-Modular Power Supply
-Included Cable ties
-Plenty of leads for even the most advanced systems
-Power Guard Indicator LED
-RPM detector Cable

-Would have been nice to see a 100% Modular Power Supply!
-The fan can be heard a little.

Review Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5870

In summary, there’s a long future ahead for the Radeon HD 5870. DirectX 11 is the future of gaming, whether the competition likes it or not, and ATI has a huge head-start on absorbing an early market share. Eyefinity is a nice touch and it certainly adds to the gaming experience, but there’s such an incredibly small portion of potential users for the technology that in reality the Radeon 5800 series has only its shear graphics power to make the sales pitch. I give my recommendation for the Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5870 DirectX 11 video card 21161-00-50R for high-performance gamers and multi-monitor power users.

Review Sapphire Radeon HD 5750

I will have to say that I was a bit taken when I got the email that the 5700 series cards would be coming out in a few days. I mean the 5800 cards have just barley gotten their feet wet and now the mid range cards are here. I am wondering if they are trying to get an early start on the holiday season buying? Some people may have to start now to make sure that they can stretch their holiday dollars because of the economy or maybe they have something else in mind, who knows.

The Sapphire Radeon 5750 did perform much better than I had expected it to. When comparing it against the 4000 series cards we could see that it was a very nice jump in performance, while others stayed very close to the new mid-range low end card. But is it worth the upgrade? I would have to say that if you are on the lower end of the 4000 series cards then yes you need to get it. If you happen to be in the 4800 level then I would say does the new features means enough for you to upgrade.

I also did my normal game testing by jumping in and playing my favorite games to get the real life feel . I found that I did not need to change any of the settings I had already had in place and that they all ran smooth.

Review Sapphire HD 5870

To sum this up on a more personal note, I have to pay the HD 5870 the highest compliment I can bestow on any piece of hardware by saying that I wouldn’t hesitate to use it in my own system. It truly is a technological marvel and we can only hope at this point that AMD / ATI carries through with their promise to bring OpenCL applications to their GPUs. If they do, Nvidia will be facing an uphill climb before their answer to the 5000-series even sees the light of day.

Review Sapphire HD4890 2GB Vapor-X

The first thing we have to say is that there’s a solid performance increase across the board when it comes to the Sapphire HD 4890 2GB Vapor-X. We can honestly say that most of that gain would come from the increased overclock more so than the extra memory.
Does that make it a waste of money? Not really; the Vapor-X offers more than just some extra memory. For around $250 U.S. Dollars you’re getting a new cooler which while it doesn’t cool quite as well as the stock one, does a good job of dropping noise levels. You’ve also got a bump in core and memory clock.

If you want 2GB of memory on a graphics card and don’t want to break the bank, the Sapphire Vapor-X model we have here today is pretty impressive. The good news is that if you’re not interested in spending the extra money that the 2GB card carries, Newegg also offers a 1GB version for $219.99.
We’ve got a solid card here that’s going to be a good option for some people. If the bundle, cooling and overclock wasn’t enough to get you excited, the decision to implement display port and HDMI natively to the card could be the deal clincher.

Review Sapphire HD4890 2GB Vapor-X

The Sapphire Radeon HD 4890 2GB Vapor X is an excellent package that gives you a boost over the best performing AMD graphics card that you can get today with a welcome silence even while being overclocked to the limit.

Review Sapphire Radeon HD 4890

Die Fps-Leistung der Atomic kommt durch den extrem hohen Werkstakt von 1,0 GHz in die Bereich der wesentlich teureren Geforce GTX 285. Durch die Vapor-X-Technologie schafft Sapphire es dabei sogar, das Geräuschniveau typischer Geforce-GTX-Karten knapp und das laute HD-4890-Referenzdesign deutlich zu unterbieten – auch die oft kritisch heißen Spannungswandler haben unseren Furmark-Extrem-Test überstanden.

Vorbehaltlich eines finalen Preises von schätzungsweise etwas über 200 Euro lohnt sich der Griff zur Atomic für Fps-Fetischisten und 8x-MSAA-Liebhaber auch im Vergleich zur normalen HD 4890 (ab 160 Euro) , welche die Atomic nicht nur deutlich in Sachen Fps sondern vor allem bei der Geräuschentwicklung hinter sich lässt; trotz vergleichsweise ruhiger Kühlung ist die Atomic unter Last keine Silent-Karte. Nvidias GTX 260 ist trotz Unterstützung für Physx, CUDA oder 3D-Vision sowie einer optional höheren Bildqualität (dies verhindert AMD seit Jahren durch die Zwangskopplung sinnvoller Optimierung und der sichtbaren Reduktion von Texturfilterung in Catalyst A.I.) keine Konkurrenz für die stark übertaktete HD 4890 Atomic und so müssen sich Kaufinteressierte schon in den Reihen der deutlich teureren GTX 285 (ab 260 Euro) umschauen, um ein schnelleres Modell zu finden.

Review Sapphire HD 4770 512MB

Overall though this latest ATI budget card has been a resounding success and I can’t wait to see how a CrossfiBreX setup performs. The great price point and reasonable performance all make for a very exciting card that is well worth a good look – expect 4770’s to be all the rage in a time where money is short.

Review Sapphire Radeon HD 4890 ATOMIC

All in all we’ve got a pretty kick ass card here and if you’re looking for a top of the line HD 4890 this is the one worth looking at. In typical fashion Sapphire hasn’t disappointed and makes good use of the ATOMIC name once again.

Review Sapphire HD 4730

The idea of releasing a lower midrange card based on the RV770 GPU makes a lot of sense. It gives AMD an opportunity to sell off their ASICs that didn’t qualify to be used on the higher end cards, and helps fill the void in the market that is caused by the HD 4770 shortage and makes for a potential successor to the HD 4830 which will see limited availability soon. Unfortunately the implementation of the card is less than optimal. In order to make up for the reduced shader count and memory bandwidth the core clock has been increased significantly. In order to achieve such high clock speeds, with current GPU bins, the voltage had to be increased. Higher voltage means higher power consumption which severely limits the card’s ability to perform. The increased power causes more heat that has to be dissipated in the cooler, resulting in a more noisy experience.
Actually Sapphire’s HD 4730 performance itself is quite sufficient to run all of today’s games at modest resolutions. This makes the card an excellent deal at its current price point of $79. However, given the high power draw and fan noise, the 9600 GT, HD 4770 or HD 4830 are better choices at this time when you are looking for the best bang for the buck.

Review CoolerMaster HAF-Mini RC-922M

Coolermaster hat mit dem HAF-Mini RC-922M vieles richtig gemacht. Das Case bietet ein großzügiges Raumangebot und eine vernünftige Belüftung. Durch sein geringes Gewicht von weniger als 9kg, ist es dazu auch noch absolut LAN-Party tauglich. Weniger gefallen haben uns die Schwächen bei der Verarbeitung. Mag man eine schwer drehbare Rändelschraube noch als Einzelfall akzeptieren, so sieht es mit der scharfen Kante am Festplattenkäfig schon anders aus. Es wäre ausgesprochen wünschenswert, wenn Coolermaster hier schnell und nachhaltig nachbessern würde. Weiter würden wir uns noch einen leicht entnehmbaren Staubfilter für das Netzteil wünschen. Ein Blick auf den Anschaffungspreis stimmt dann aber wieder versöhnlich. Knappe 80€ sind ein wirklich fairer Preis für ein Gehäuse dieser Größe. Mit den Worten “viel Platz für wenig Geld“ könnte man daher auch das Fazit in einem Satz zusammenfassen.

Review CoolerMaster Sileo 500 Case

The Cooler Master Sileo 500 is a very well done example of sound and vibration management by addressing the source of the noise. Some things could have been handled better such as rubber mounting the case fans or providing sound damping latches to both sides of the drive bays. However those are actually minor issues considering the lower price point.

Suppressing noise is not always about isolating vibration sources but rather understanding what causes increases in noise as a result. The largest is resonant frequency. Every material has a certain frequency at which point it will vibrate. Thin walled cases will vibrate very easy whereas cases constructed from SECC metal, like the Cooler Master Sileo 500, require more. A good way to increase the resonant frequency is to add medium density foam to the panels. Not only does this foam absorb sound waves but helps to add additional mass to the panels to resist vibration.

Cooler Master has designed and produced a very solid case with some great features and classic design which would be equally suited for business or home use. The case supports both standard and micro ATX motherboards and a variety of drive configurations. The attention to sound also means that you can splurge on your hardware choices and not worry so much about additional noise, GPU fans will appear to be quieter and CPU fans will soften.

Review CoolerMaster STORM Sentinel Advance Mouse

When Cooler Master launched the CM Storm brand they were targeting gamers, and with the Sentinel Advance they are showing they are not content with just cases. For a first delve into gaming peripherals, the Sentinel Advance hits a lot of high notes. A 5600 DPI laser, onboard profiles and OLED screen all come together in a handsome package that allows plenty of tweaking. The LED lights while slightly gimmicky can allow for quick profile detection should you be switching in the dark.

In a couple weeks of use I really can’t knock the Sentinel Advance for anything other than the fact that lefties are left out in the cold. Cooler Master and their team at CM Storm have done their homework and have released one heck of a mouse in the Sentinel Advance.

Review Coolermaster Hyper N620

Overall, Coolermaster’s Hyper N620 is a heatsink I totally recommend. Not only does it look pretty good, it’s also well built and, best of all, it performs right up there along with the market leaders. As long as you don’t expect the horrible instruction manual to help you getting it installed, the Hyper N620 is available now for right under $60 and is a heatsink you won’t regret getting.

Review CoolerMaster Hyper N520 CPU Cooler

Cooler Master has impressed once again but this time it is not the high end coolers which have attracted attention. The Hyper N520, a cooler which doesn’t create the same impact as say the V8 with its numerous heatsinks and additional heatpipes.

In fact Cooler Master has taken a simpler heatsink and made it unique with the offset dual fan configuration. Looking simply at performance, the numbers do the talking with the smaller heatsink able to keep up with the likes of the Noctua NH-U12P.

Of course the down side to extras fans is extra noise and I must say that the sound is noticeable but it’s not overly loud. For silent enthusiasts it’s probably not going to rank too highly but if you’re not too concerned noise wise, it’s not bad.

To sum it up, the Hyper N520 continues Cooler Master’s impressive showing in the cooling department with its impressive performance and universal capability making it a great all-round cooler.

Review CoolerMaster NotePal A1

The NotePal A1 is a quality product from Coolermaster that does what it is supposed to do, with minimal fuss. No external power adapters to lug around (as the fans are powered off of the 5v USB lines) and the results show measurable improvement on the thermal management side of the equation, both from an idle standpoint as well as a loaded standpoint. And, as we all know, the better you can control the thermal situation in a laptop, the longer the laptop will last and the more reliably it will perform. The NotePal A1 fans run quietly and effectively, giving the laptop a much needed source of force fed cooler air.

This translates into a product that, for me, has delivered everything it was supposed to, and exceeded my expectations. The issue with the loaded temperatures seems to me to be a limitation on the CPU heatsink and not on the NotePal A1.
For it’s design and purpose, it is a perfect fit for the user who always uses their laptop without a hard connected docking station, and is looking to better manage their laptop heat, both from an active cool air supply standpoint, as well as a passive “blowing air across the bottom surface of the laptop and into the other bottom vents” standpoint.

Review Coolermaster SNA 95

All things being equal, I would love to love this power adapter. Charging USB devices as a standalone is great. While it is the smallest 95W power adapter I’ve seen, it’s still a little much to carry around strictly for charging USB devices however.

Where this device runs into trouble is in the laptop battery charging. If all I wanted to do was power my laptop, it’d still be a great device. But I often run the battery to near depletion and I have to be able to recharge it. If I were going to replace the OEM power adapter, I can’t settle for one that won’t charge the battery, and I don’t think our readers would either. Let me be clear however, this is not Cooler Master’s fault, this has a lot to do with Dell (among other computer manufacturer’s) and their infatuation with proprietary equipment. That does not change the fact however that it is unable to charge my laptop. If I were a buyer, I’d be forced to return it.

One other note, not all USB devices will work with this charger. The vast majority will, but the list cannot be all-inclusive if for no other reason than the sheer number of devices on the market.

The SNA 75 has not yet come to market, but it is expected to have a price point of around $70 and carries a 2 year manufacturer warranty.

Review Coolermaster Hyper 212+

The Hyper 212+ CPU cooler performed quite well. Not staggering performance like we have seen with other CPU cooler offerings, but the other offerings run in the 60USD range versus this CPU cooler having a price point of around 30 USD. This CPU cooler fits perfect for those who need a better CPU cooler, but cannot afford the much more expensive CPU coolers out there, or for those who want a quiet CPU cooler for their HTPC computers. Of coarse you will have to use at least a mid sized tower for use with this CPU cooler.

The only thing this CPU cooler disappointed me in was the way it was mounted to the CPU. Mounting CPU coolers need to be hassle free and simple as possible. When companies add more parts to the mounting, it adds more confusion, and also adds more problems that could arise during installing. This is one of my pet peeves when it comes to CPU coolers.

Review Coolermaster Elite 310

All in all the Cooler Master Elite 310 chassis is a good looking, fully functional chassis. Despite this chassis being a tad cramped with my components (I have rather large computer components), the performance of this chassis was what I expected from a mid sized tower.

The only real troubles I faced was managing my cables mainly because of the top PSU mounting. I still prefer to have my PSU ‘s mounted on the bottom of the chassis. The lack of 2.5″ HDD adapters did not help matters. These types of drives are becoming more and more popular with desktop users, because of there ability of using little power, cooler operation, and not to mention they are quiet.

Looking at, I see that this chassis goes for roughly 40 USD. Giving this chassis a perfect price point for those who need a good solid constructed chassis, with out sacrificing looks, and cooling capability.

Review Coolermaster Sileo 500

Cooler Master has accomplished exactly what they have set out to do with the release of the Sileo 500 chassis. Whether or not your choice is to go with or without the PSU, the chassis alone is worth every penny of the asking price. With cases such as the NZXT Beta, or one of many others for $50, none offer the comfort to your ears that the Cooler Master Sileo 500 does. This is by far the most silent build I have done yet. As I alluded to, it took me getting within three feet of the Sileo 500 before I could actually hear any audible noise.

Complaints, well I can’t honestly think of any. Due to the design of the Sileo 500, wire management holes are pretty useless even if they were there. I would have liked to have seen a cut out for access to CPU back plates; I mean they followed so many up and coming trends, I think this may have gotten overlooked. Other than that, I think a window may be needed as a requirement of some buyers, but just be aware that a window doesn’t block noise half as well as steel and sound proofing material. You will lose some of the silent properties if you opted for a windowed version, or modded it yourself to have one.
What I am left with is a budget priced chassis without the power supply. This chassis does offer a lot for its 54.99 USD, Newegg asking price and makes me advise this chassis above all others for its price when you are searching for a silent build. If you are looking for a good deal on both the power supply and the chassis, I can’t come up with any reason other than GPU power requirements to go another route than the $99.99 version at Newegg. All things considered, the Sileo 500 is the way to go if you need a silent gamer, or a sleek larger HTPC that sits in an open area.

Review Coolermaster UCP 900W

Cooler Master’s UCP 900W is an excellent high performance PSU which definitely is worth a place in the shortlist of any hardcore enthusiast. Its aesthetically interesting design increases the attention this unit will receive, even though it isn’t a modular unit and routing/hiding the cables will prove to be a difficult task in most cases. We cannot claim that the UCP 900W unit is the best product we have ever tested around its power and price range, but it performs well enough to satisfy even the most demanding of users. Recommended.

Review Coolermaster UCP 900W

The CoolerMaster UCP 900W is a real workhorse and during our testing it never missed a lick. Our test results confirmed our suspicion that this was going to be great PSU and indeed it is. It is capable of handling all of the new video cards and motherboards all at the same time and doing it almost noise free. The only time we heard this power supply fan was when we pushing the unit near its max load.

The price may seem a bit high to some, but it is our opinion you get what you pay for in power supplies and this one is no different. You can pick this power supply up a Newegg and you won’t be sorry that you did either.

Review Coolermaster Hyper TX3 Cooler

Priced around 27€, the hyper tx3 provides nice performance with decent sound levels. While not being the silentest cooler available, it is definately more silent than the Intel stock cooler and has half the price of Noctuas. Temperature levels with our test setup are also better than with Intel stock cooler. I could recommend Hyper TX3 for everyone who is buying a new cooler in sub 30€ pricerange.

Review Coolermaster Gladiator 600

The Cooler Master Gladiator 600 is an affordable case and should be an interesting choice for most first time builders. It features the same guts as the CM Storm Scout, but costs almost 30% less. That said, do not expect the case to be above average in most areas. You will get two 120 mm fans, which is pretty standard with enclosures at this price range. The same goes for the locking mechanisms and overall build quality. There are some highlights however, which you will not find on other offerings. While the hole under the mainboard tray for easy cooler removal is becoming more and more popular with case manufacturers, the switch to turn LED lights of the front fan on/off is certainly a nice touch for a case of this price range. Overall, all of those looking to avoid a cheap OEM case and are willing to pay a few extra bucks for something with a “brand name” and clean, simple but functional features should be more than happy with the Gladiator 600.

Review CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Plus

From a strict performance outlook, the Hyper 212 Plus did alright not losing by much, so it’s not a bad cooler. However, I feel that with what it was compared to, it could have stood up a bit better even with 3°C variance in most of the tests. Still, I was impressed by a lot with this heatsink. The versatility of it only requiring a single backplate and retention bracket while covering such a wide array of socket types (AM2, AM3, 939, 775, 1156, 1366) is what impressed me. Again, like the XT-1264 however, there are gaps between the heatpipes where heat could be trapped but on a more positive note it is good to see companies trying to get it so the heatpipes come in direct contact with the CPU die. This kind of contact reduces the amount of time it takes to transfer heat from one place to another as opposed to a heatsink with the heatpipes sandwiched between two pieces of metal. Another amazing feat is that unlike the XT-1264 this heatsink actually offers the ability to use a second fan if you wish to purchase one and even comes with a second set of clips just for that purpose. I also was impressed by how lightweight it was. The heatsink fins were also quite thin, which probably attributes to how light it is and yet they were quite sturdy for aluminum. I feel that for a price of around $35 it offers a decent level of cooling performance with only a three degree difference in load temperatures between the Hyper 212 plus and TRUE when overclocked. It’s safe to say that there is even a little headroom for a bit of overclocking.

Review Coolermaster Hyper 212

So overall we like what we see very much. Priced at roughly 30 EUR / 35 USD you’ll get a lot of cooling performance and an easy to use and install CPU cooler. There really is very little wrong with this product, and as such it comes very much recommended by, but remember .. to install it your motherboard needs to come out of your chassis

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